Bush sports

The Heart of NSW is home to many great bush sporting events like gymkhanas, sports days, rodeos, cutting competitions and picnic race meets, all of which are held annually in our towns and villages.

Tottenham and Tullibigeal host annual gymkhanas where the horse and
rider are put to the ultimate test of balance and control with flag, bending
and barrel races. Gymkhanas are a great day out for families and friends
where you can watch riders of all ages displaying their horsemanship
Milby Sports Day is held at West Milby, a sports ground between Condobolin and Tullibigeal and offers good old fashioned fun at its best
with gymkhana activities, a rodeo, poddy calf rides, a children’s activity
centre, a jumping castle, bog eye race, woodchop, tug-o-war and Miss
Milby and Miss Junior Milby competitions with the day ending with band

Red Dirt Round-Up is a two day event held in Euabalong that offers various challanges for all riding levels in a lazy outback atmosphere. There is a lot of fun for kids – chook and pig chases , cow pat lotto, stick horse races.

The Lake Cargelligo Buckout and Gymkhana Committee hold events
including a rodeo, team penning events and gymkhana in Lake Cargelligo
annually. These events are family orientated weekends which attract
young and old alike. People travel from everywhere to enjoy what the
weekends have to offer. For further information please contact Glen or
Lisa on (02) 6966 1276.

The Condobolin Cutting Championship and Condobolin Campdraft are
held annually in Condobolin. These events display the relationship
between horse and rider and demonstrate the horse’s ability to respond
quickly with sharp turns and twists.

Picnic race meets are held annually in Condobolin, Tullibigeal and Tottenham. Visitors are welcome to join in with the fun of all of these wonderful bush events. For a full list of these events visit www.heartofnsw.com.au and look for event dates under the What’s On

The Heart of NSW is an active region which supports many activities
for adults and children such as rugby union, rugby league, soccer,
netball, tennis, bowls, croquet, golf, touch football and cricket. For those
wishing to cool down on a hot summer day, Condobolin, Lake Cargelligo,
Tottenham and Tullibigeal have public swimming pools.

For those who enjoy a hit of golf, enjoy one or all of our four golf courses at Condobolin, Lake Cargelligo, Tottenham and Albert.

There is a bicycle / walking track on the foreshore of Lake Cargelligo and from Gum Bend Lake to Condobolin. You can also enjoy the view of Condobolin at Reservoir Hill Lookout at the eastern end of Brady Street. Or visit Mt Tilga, eight kilometres north of Condobolin on the Cobar road where you can park your vehicle and stretch your legs
to see beautiful 360 degree views.